The Ministry of Manpower of Singapore announced that all single-family buildings dedicated to guest worker dormitories used for isolation purposes in Singapore have completed testing and will be free from Covid-19 with immediate effect.
Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (19th) issued a statement stating that all guest workers living in these single-family residential buildings have ended quarantine or have been transferred to other government facilities based on their health conditions.
The Singaporean authorities predict that as the guest worker dormitories that have recently completed testing are about to complete the necessary preparations, the number of guest workers who can resume work will continue to increase, and more than 20,000 guest workers will receive green pass codes. Half of the guest workers whose pass codes are still displayed in red are because their addresses have not been updated. Dormitory operators and employers will each receive reminders to update their addresses.
The number of guest workers in the construction, maritime shipbuilding and processing industries that have obtained the green pass code and can resume work has also increased from 81% last week to 86%. The number has reached 333,000, of which 240,000 live in guest dormitories.