Editor: Darren
Compile: WenJun
Article : CNA TW

The World Health Organization said today that no matter how severe the patient’s condition is, remdesivir is not recommended to treat hospitalized patients with COVID-19 disease because there is no evidence that this drug can increase the survival rate of patients or reduce the need for respirators.

The World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines point out that the panel found that the antiviral drug remdesivir developed by Gilead lacked evidence for improving patient conditions, such as reducing mortality and reducing the use of respirators The needs of the disease, clinically accelerated disease improvement, etc.

Reuters reported that remdesivir’s initial trials have shown some hope and become a potentially effective treatment for COVID-19 in the summer, which has attracted worldwide attention. However, today’s WHO recommendations for this drug are again One blow.

Ge Liya revised its revenue forecast for this year at the end of October because the demand for Radixivir is not as expected and it is difficult to predict future sales.

This antiviral drug is one of the only two drugs currently approved to treat COVID-19 in the world, but the large-scale “Solidarity Trial” led by the WHO last month showed that remdesivir is improving The 28-day mortality rate or shortening of hospital stay has limited or no effect.

Agence France-Presse mentioned that after the preliminary study of Remdesivir showed that some patients may accelerate recovery, the United States, the European Union (EU) and other countries have temporarily approved the use of this drug.

U.S. President Trump contracted the epidemic in October and had received remdesivir and other medications at that time.

The WHO’s recommendations today are based on the results of 4 international randomized trials conducted on more than 7,000 COVID-19 hospitalized patients.

In the latest treatment guidelines published in the “British Medical Journal” the WHO team admitted frankly that this recommendation does not mean that remdesivir is not beneficial to patients.

However, in view of the latest data, costs, and transportation methods, the panel still recommends that the treatment of COVID-19 hospitalized patients should not be administered to Redecive, no matter how severe the patient’s condition is, except for general care.