Reuters reported that on the 28th local time, New Zealand’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters stated that in light of China’s decision to pass the Hong Kong National Security Act, New Zealand suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong. Other actions change.

According to reports, Peters also stated that New Zealand will treat military and dual-use goods and technology exports to Hong Kong the same as exports to China (Mainland).

After Reuters reported the news, many Hong Kong media including Hong Kong East Net and Wireless News also reported the incident.

It is worth mentioning that New Zealand’s move makes it another country of the “Five Eyes Alliance”, which will suspend the extradition treaty with Hong Kong, second only to Britain, Australia and Canada.

At a regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs last week, a reporter asked China that the British government decided to suspend the extradition treaty with Hong Kong, China. Spokesperson Wang Wenbin emphasized that Britain’s erroneous remarks and measures against Hong Kong seriously violated international law and the basic norms of international relations and seriously interfered in China’s internal affairs. China firmly opposes it and reserves the right to further respond. Hong Kong affairs are China’s internal affairs, and no foreign country has the right to interfere. The China government unswervingly safeguards national sovereignty, security and development interests, is determined to implement the “one country, two systems” policy comprehensively and accurately, and resolutely opposes any interference in Hong Kong affairs by foreign forces, and any attempts to interfere and pressure will not succeed. China urges the British side to abandon the illusion of continuing to exert colonial influence on Hong Kong, immediately correct its mistakes, and stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China’s internal affairs in any way, so as not to further damage Sino-British relations.