TV Documentary Accuses John Paul II Of Concealing Sex Scandals Involving Clerics, Poland Summons US Ambassador

A US-funded TV station in Poland aired a documentary a few days ago, claiming that the late Polish Pope (John Paul II) concealed sexual abuse scandals by clergy during his early years as Archbishop of Krakow. The documentary angered Poland’s ruling party, and the Foreign Ministry summoned the U.S. ambassador to Poland to discuss the incident.

Warner Bros. Discovery Polish private television station TVN aired a documentary on Monday (6th), according to an investigation into the archives of the secret police in the era of the Polish communist regime, it was pointed out that he was in charge of Krakow from 1964 to 1978. John Paul II, Archdiocese of Wisconsin, was known to have sexually abused children by Polish clergy as early as 1970, but helped cover up the scandal.

Poland ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) accused TVN of airing the film, and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said the charges against John Paul II, based on secret police files from the communist regime, were highly suspicious .

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Thursday (9th) stating that the consequences of the television broadcast of the documentary were like a mixed war aimed at dividing Polish society, and “invited” the US ambassador to Poland, Mark Brzezinski, to discuss ” the activities of a certain TV station”.

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