Hong Kong bans British passenger planes from coming to Hong Kong from July 1st

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced on June 28 that it would implement a “fuse circuit” for regional flights in the United Kingdom. From 0:00 a.m. (Hong Kong time) on July 1st, all civil airliners arriving in Hong Kong will be prohibited from landing in Hong Kong. The government also listed the United Kingdom as a designated area of extremely high risk, restricting people who have stayed in the area for more than two hours from boarding any civil airliner that comes to Hong Kong, so as to prevent people from relevant areas from transiting to Hong Kong.

waUnder the “fuse mechanism” of regional flights, all civil airliners arriving in Hong Kong from the same area, regardless of any airline, if a total of 5 or more passengers are confirmed on arrival at the port within 7 days and carry the N501Y mutant virus strain or Related virus variants, or a total of 10 or more passengers in 7 days are diagnosed with N501Y variant virus strains or related virus variants after any test (including testing during quarantine), the government will quote the “Prevention and Control of Diseases (Regulations) The International Vehicles and Arrivals) Regulations (Chapter 599H) prohibits all civil aviation passenger planes arriving in Hong Kong from landing in Hong Kong, and lists the relevant areas as very high-risk designated areas, and restricts staying in the area for more than two hours Of people boarding any civil airliner arriving in Hong Kong to prevent people from relevant areas from arriving in Hong Kong via transit.

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