Malaysia’s Johor state fire causes slight smog in Singapore

A fire broke out in Johor, Malaysia, which caused a slight smoke in Singapore this morning (2nd), and the air also had a burning smell.

The National Environment Agency of Singapore said in a Facebook post that a fire in Johor was detected yesterday (1st) afternoon, causing smog. In addition, the northeast monsoon is currently blowing, causing smog to Singapore.

The Singapore authorities stated that the one-hour PM2.5 index between 6 am and 7 am today (2nd) rose to a relatively high level, and it has returned to a normal level after 8 am.

The Environment Agency of Singapore predicts that the northeast monsoon will continue to blow in the next few days. Therefore, some areas of Singapore will still experience slightly smoky weather today (2nd) with a burning smell.

According to the Singapore Environment Agency website, the 24-hour air pollution index as of 12 noon is between 61 and 74 points, which is at a medium level.

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