American political tactician was arrested, Pompeo calls on Belarusian president to release people

(TodayAsia  25th comprehensive news) US State Secretary Mike Pompeo talked with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on the phone yesterday, asking Belarus to release a US political strategist and allow the strategist to leave the country.

Agence France-Presse reported that Harvard University researcher Vitali Shkliarov had served as an advisor to presidential candidates in the United States, Russia and Ukraine. He was detained shortly before the Belarusian presidential election on July 29 this year. In this election, Lukashenko declared victory, while the opposition accused the election fraud.

Shlyarov’s designated lawyer stated that the client had been changed to family imprisonment.

A spokesperson for the US State Department said today: “Secretary of State Pompeii asked Belarus to completely release the detained American citizen Hillaryov and let him leave immediately. The Secretary of State also reiterated that the United States supports Iraq’s democratic aspirations. The people of Belarus.”

Shlyarov was born in the town of Gomel, Belarus. In 2012, he played for the successive election campaigns of former US President Barack Obama. In 2016, he helped Senator Bernie Sanders move forward. The white house.

The Belarusian authorities arrested him for organizing certain activities that violated public security.

After the presidential elections in Belarus, the opposition was swept away. Lukashenko’s main challenger was arrested or arrested.

However, even if the authorities threatened to shoot at the demonstrators, the anti-Lukashenko protests continued.

Shlyarov wrote in Forbes Russia in July before the election in Belarus that Lukashenko’s campaign was based on “populism and cruel violence” and he was arrested a few days later.

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