Indian media claim that India’s epidemic has reached its peak, 10.6 million people will be diagnosed by February 2021

According to the “India Express” news, a scientific committee appointed by the Indian government said on the 18th that India’s new crown epidemic has reached its peak, and by February 2021, the country may have 10.6 million active cases. The committee also stated that protective measures against the new coronavirus must continue to be implemented. The committee stated that if India did not implement a lockdown in March, the virus could claim more than 25 million lives in the country, adding that “the number of new coronavirus cases and deaths has declined in the past three weeks, but We cannot rule out the possibility of a second wave of infections in India during the winter.”

According to data released by the Ministry of Health of India on the 18th, India increased 61,871 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia within 24 hours, and the total number of confirmed cases was close to 7.5 million, still ranking second in the world.

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